I just hope it does not snow this weekend. DH and I are planning a weekend out of town and I hope we don't have to cancel it because of bad weather. We love to get away for the weekend, but don't do it very often in the winter.
I am loving Carol Doak's book, 300 Paper-Pieced Quilt Blocks.
I can see myself making at least 150 of the 300 patterns in the book (mostly for borders).
But what I like best about the book, is the handy dandy CD that comes with it. You can make the block whatever size you need and print it off on your computer.

It just doesn’t get much easier than that.
So last night I decided to start making blocks for a border for my Log Cabin. I have decided to make a series of borders to finish this simple design.
So I measured one of my log cabin squares.
It was eleven inches.
I divided by 2 and came up with a 5.5 inch block.
When I sew them together, I will have exactly 11 inches…....
So simple, sheer ecstasy…......
Hmmmm...........So what happened?
Why is it 1/2-inch off?

Ah, it says finished size is 5.5 inches; finished is the operative word here.
My 11-inch block is not finished. When I take the 1/4" seam on each side, it will only be 10.5 inches.
ARRRGGGGGGG.....I will start over again tonight.