Betty asked if I was going to show more of my Christmas decorating pictures.
Does Santa wear red? Of course, I am going to show you more! I live for blogging days like this! :)
I made all of these pink ornaments years ago.
They are hand sewn of felt and embellished with all sorts of things--beads, lace, glitter paint, etc. The wings on the angels are made from my wedding dress veil. I know I've mentioned that before, but a lot of readers probably have not trudged through the archives. I no longer have that husband, though we are still friendly. He knows I made angels from the veil. We get a good chuckle out of that every now and then. He said he was glad I turned it into angels and not something more negative. :)
This year I decided to go all the way with a pink color scheme. I did two trees that flank the dining room entrance in pink. I also used pink across the archway connecting the two trees.
Of course, the table is all set in pink, too. I have a set of very old Haviland china that has tiny pink flowers. Don't you think those napkins are reminiscent of peppermint sticks?

I was thrilled when I found them in my napkin stash. I am always buying napkins and I never remember what I have. The table needs a bit more work. I need to come up with a centerpiece.
Remember when I said I was going to put a Christmas tree in a sled? Well, here it is. 
It's the same sled I used on the deck for a planter. I just cleaned it all out and now it's a holiday decoration. I really like it with the tree. I may not use it outside anymore.
The sled has a few toys in it. This is my son's first teddy bear. I always find a way to use it during the Christmas season.
That little snowman is attached to a sled. A friend made it for me quite a few years ago. He passed away last year so just bringing it out made me stop a moment to remember him.
Here is a view of 5 of the trees. When eating at this table, we are surrounded by the spirit of Christmas!

This is a close up of the archway decorations. I have dozens of little pink/white mice peeking through the greenery.

Here is the same view after dark:

I will show you more some other time. I am pretty well pooped for tonight!
I noticed that not many were blogging this weekend. Maybe everyone else is decorating, too.