Do you have china or curio cabinets that you never rearrange?
Do you find that you walk by them and don't even notice what's inside?
Well, that's what happens to me if I leave the same items inside.
Today I decided to remove everything from this oak corner cabinet in my kitchen and fill it with some of my glassware that I have behind closed doors.
Now I will be able to enjoy the glassware for awhile.
and I will have some space to store that cupcake holder I bought over a month ago. Do you remember when I used my 50% off at JoAnne's and bought it? Well, it's been quite some time now and I have not made any cupcakes, nor have I had a place to store that thing--it does take a pretty sizable amount of space.
To accommodate it, I have been planning to move the glassware from a shelf on my storage wall of cabinets. So today instead of reading my book as I said I was going to do in my previous post, I made space on the top shelf of one storage area.
by removing all of my Capri Dot glassware. That's the turquoise glasses that you see in the cabinet. They match my tree which you can also see when you stand in front of this cabinet.
Today I needed some place to put the 5 or 6 dozen kisses cookies I made. I decided that the cupcake holder would work for the dozen I want to save for my Christmas Eve party.
They fit quite nicely in the mini cupcake side of the holder. I have those tins under the cupcake holder full of cookies, too. I stuck them all in the garage where they will probably freeze.
I was pretty happy when DH came home and ate 6 of my cherry cookies. He loved them! He thinks even without the chocolate they would be great. That's wonderful because I have over 4 lbs. of cherries to use up, so I can make more cookies without the chocolate and freeze them.
When I cleaned out all of the stuff I had in the corner cabinet, I had to remove the few bottles of hard liquor we have. I thought it might be nice if I had a little Green Apple Martini to celebrate my vacation.

Is that beautiful or what? It matches all of the glassware I have in my cabinet! I swear it's only a coincidence. Who knew vodka came in cobalt blue glass that matches the shot glass I got free from the Hard Rock Cafe in Las Vegas? The vodka was a gift.
This cabinet is very close to my kitchen Christmas tree.
This is my third post today. I guess I just have a lot more to post about when I don't have to work all day!
At the moment I have to go finish my sweet and sour pork for dinner. Who knows what I will do tomorrow? I have a full 10 days before I have to go to work!
For the moment, the world is my oyster.