I want to know-who took the photos of your feet? ; )
and Kathy:
I'm with Dianne: how did you get those pics of your feet? I can imagine some pretty funny contortions . . .
Well, ladies, I am able to do all sorts of things now that my arms are so limber from those morning exercises...LOL.
I just stood my camera on the floor and set it to automatically take the picture.
Very simple. :)
As long as I'm posting, I may as well show you the two blocks I made tonight.

Can you tell it's an angel?
I'm having a bit of difficulty remembering how to put on a mitered corner binding. I am fully frustrated and have given up for tonight. I tried to drown my frustration with some butter pecan ice cream. It did seem to help a little--especially the second bowl.
*big chubby grin*
I am planning to give these to people for little Christmas gifts IF I can get the binding to look good. I sure don't need a dozen more. Last year I made myself some dandy bluejean potholders that are still in excellent condition (I posted about them last spring). I use them all the time to set under hot dishes on the counter.
I have a SIL who likes cats, so my next one has a cat face in the center.
Hope you all enjoy what's left of your Wednesday evening.