I was reading a new blog yesterday and the author was asking how to make a hyperlink in her post.
I was going to tell her in a comment, but once I started, WOW! it was way to complicated to explain in a comment. I remember not that long ago trying to figure this out myself. I would have loved to have found a post with pictures explaining it all.
So here goes my attempt:
First you need to find the unique address (the url) for the post you want to refer to. You want the URL where
only that post comes up, not where there are multiple posts (like on your home page).
I get this by clicking on “links to this post” at the bottom of my post. For some of you, you will click on the time instead.

The URL is here

Right click on it and click "copy"
Now you have the URL stored in your computer’s memory.
Go into Blogger and write you post.
When you come to the word or words that you want to hyperlink,
Highlight them (in my example I am using the word “here”)
Click the hyperlink button (see pic below)

When you click the hyperlink button another box will appear on your screen
Right click in the box that popped up where it says “URL”
Click paste
The unique address of the post you want to link to should now be pasted in that box
Click OK
Your done. Finish writing your post and hit publish.
I hope that someone who reads this will be able to figure it out and be as excited as I was the first time I made it work. It is so much more fun to blog when you understand how to use the tools provided.