For some people it's scary to mail order flowers. I thought there may be a few people who would like to see exactly what you get when your order arrives. Both of my Breck's orders arrived this week. I am happy with what I received as it all looks healthy. I got everything planted after work yesterday. I thought it would take about 30 minutes, but it took three times that long.
Here is what I got:
I ordered 12 Lionheart bulbs. They come in packages of 3.

I think the brown spots are supposed to be there.
I was surprised to see the toad lily "bulbs"
It looks like a root to me.
I don't really care, I just hope they grow! I planted 11 of them all along one of my garden paths. I forgot to soak them in water as it says, but I think they will be fine as it rained last night.
I planted 12 Crocosmia 'Fire King' bulbs in two containers.
I can move these containers anyplace I want them in the garden. I hope they bloom this year!
The last time I tried Croscosmia it died after the first year. I am hoping I can bury these containers in the soil against the house to help them survive next winter.
It's been quite the week for receiving mail orders. I also received these three tanks tops--all the same, except for the color.
I wouldn't be caught dead wearing these alone, but I think the bright colors will be fun to wear under summer shirts.