What kind of a bouquet can you make with just four flowers?
Well, if you have one of these vintage lady vases, you can make a lovely little ditty like this: It looks like a bustle! So fun!
This tiny little pitcher seemed perfect for some buddelia and black-eyed Susans. Unfortunately it has a hairline crack and all the water leaked out. So I removed the flowers and put them in a ceramic chicken that I bought in 1989. So I guess I can call it a "vintage 80's" vase.
My last vintage vase is actually the first one I did tonight. It's a tiny bouquet to showcase the one yellow/gold Rembrandt dahlia that I have blooming. I just love the color of this dahlia and wanted to be able to admire it close up so I brought out my Knowles 'Modern Plaid' sugar bowl to use as a vase.
After all that vintage, I am now going to show you what I picked out for my new dining room chandelier. I really love this chandy! I really do not like stark contemporary decorating, but I am growing fond of traditional with a contemporary flair. That is the look I will be shooting for as I replace all of my old furniture. It will be a gradual process. The contractor is supposed to start the middle of next week. He will be replacing all the windows, covering a cedar plank wall with new drywall, re-drywalling the dining room (remember when I removed that wallpaper only to discover that the last contractor skipped a few steps before applying it?), replacing all the plain Jane interior doors and hanging this chandy.
It will be an awful mess---I thought I was done with drywall dust----not looking forward to all the cleanup!