I heart these. (Forgive me, but I've been dying to say that). It seems to be the current slang version of "I want these".
Unlike my other C*rocs, I would actually wear these in public. I love my old ones, but only wear them around the house. They are just too UGLY for me to wear in public. I won't even go to W*alm*art with them on, but I sure love to wear them on the deck or walking around the garden paths.
Do any of you own a pair of these new Farrah's? Are they comfy?
After work this afternoon I went out and spent about one hour of light raking and weed removal. Then I went and cut down a few stray bloomers and made my first fresh flower bouquet of 2010.
I even used the potting bench to assemble the bouquet.
I thought the color of this tiny johnny-jump-up was cute. Mine are usually more purple, so I did a double take when my eye caught the yellow face. I picked it so I could enjoy it up close. I also cut a small handful of tiny grape hyacinths for the same reason.
There is not much of interest happening in my garden. It's getting desperate for water. You should have seen the dust fly as I was raking. I hope it's not going to be one of those dreaded dry summers. I would much rather have a cold, rainy one like last year!