Quite a few years ago I searched every store in my town for these to use on a Christmas tree in the dining room at work. There was not a giant sucker to be found. In all the years since this is the first time I've seen them.
So I bought 15.
I can't wait to see what I can do with them next year.
If only I remember that I have them.
I hit pay dirt in the mailbox yesterday. When the mailman has to wrap a rubberband around all the magazines, it's a good mail day.
I haven't read any of them yet.
I also went to the library to pick up a book I'd put on hold.

I'm saving all the reading material for a three-day trip we will be taking after work Thursday. It's the Mexican Flamenco dinner theatre weekend.

I recently bought this jacket. I was going to wear it last week, but it was so bright that I just couldn't bring myself to go out in public in it! I thought I'd wait for warmer weather when it would seem more appropriate to wear something that required sunglasses to look at.
Anyway the Mexican dinner dance may be just the occasion to wear this jacket. How fortunate that I would make such a buying mistake and then end up with the perfect event to wear it. So Mom, this is probably what I will be wearing to the dinner (Mom will be there, too).
Now I must get to work and move all my LR furniture back to the living room all my dining room furniture back to the dining room. A few weeks ago I switched the two rooms and now I don't like it so I have to move it all back. It's a TON of work because there are four china cabinets that have to be emptied of all their glassware to make the move.
Why oh why do I do such crazy things? I did the exact same thing last year. I don't know why I thought it would look different this year!
You are funny...all that furniture to move around but hey maybe this year you might have liked it?? And who knows next year might just be the year!
ReplyDeletePerfect outfit for a Mexican night..that should be great fun, maybe you can get on stage too!
LOL, Betty. I already told my husband that if I move this furniture again next year, call the local mental ward to bring a straightjacket to cart me off for admission! My sister is a nurse there so she will take good care of me. :)
ReplyDeleteI must say, though, now that it's all moved back I think it looks quite nice. I think I just move it so that I will appreciate it more once it's back to it's original position!
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like way too much work to empty those China cabinets! I get the moving bug now and then, but I stop short at the big hutch!
Those are some big lollipops! Will you freeze them till Christmas?
Love your jkt, very festive!!
Hi Susie, I am done moving that big one, too!
ReplyDeleteNo, on the freezing. I will just put them in the china cab and hope I remember to bring them out in Dec.
I really enjoyed The Winding Ways book.... it gave me lots of back ground on some of the characters.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on moving furniture. It's not the most exciting job in the world but boy it feels nice when you are finished.
Hi Calidore, Thanks for the review. I am ready to read a good book, so I hope this one really grabs me.
ReplyDeleteNot only did I move the furniture, but I also painted a wall. Spur of the moment thing....I went from a peach wall to a fiddlehead green wall....if I like it after a week or so,I will paint the other three walls.
I hope your hands are healing well.
I have no furniture moving options really. The only thing I moved lately, the bed catty-cornered which my husband hates, but I needed the two armoires to fit for our clothes! Our family room has a closet sticking out right in the middle of one wall (thanks to getting cheap 'help' from the neighbor), so all I moved in there was the computer to where the bookcase was and vice versa.
ReplyDeleteI'd be careful with the lollipops if it they get warmed up, they get sticky.
And-the perfect outfit for your trip!
Where did you get those lollipops? I am looking for some like that for my son's birthday treat for school. Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteThis is weird. Yesterday I answered both Dianne and Catherine and today my comment is gone...................those blogger gremlins are at it again!
ReplyDeleteDi, I said something like maybe it's a good thing you don't have space to move furniture because it saves you a lot of work! :)
I bought them at KMart. They were a real bargain at just $1 each.
I left a long comment too! I'm not registered but it just disappeared. Something about the jacket and my buying a $10 'lilly' with amazing accolades only to find out it was a red Four o'clock.
ReplyDeleteWillow, I saw that comment and I answered that one, too....hmmm...very weird! Anyway, I hope my flower does not turn out the same!
ReplyDeletezoey, I haven't been around much lately but just catching up! Love the "Lady" story! Too funny! Your twice baked potatoes look delicious! At least your living room and dining room are cleaned good behind the furniture! Hope your Mexican night was fun.
ReplyDeleteZoey, I left a comment also. Mentioned the Jennifer Chiaverini book, didn't like the last one and hoped this one was better. And told you I had a post about my quilts with a mention that you had inspired me to blog abut them. Stop by http://thyme-for-herbs.blogspot.com to check it out.