I do like the embroidery--it's just the bleached color I thought I would not like. But I wore it today and I am thrilled to report that I liked it much better on.
I wore this one yesterday with the metal necklace I got awhile back. How lucky was I to have a necklace that went so well with this? I am happy, happy with this purchase!
Last week I wore the animal print jacket to work. I really like the detailed tucks on the lapel. Again I lucked out and already had a shirt and a necklace that were a near perfect match.
This jacket even came out of the package with no wrinkles--gotta love that!
I also ordered a few items that I did not show you--like this fleece shirt.

Actually I bought two of them -- purple and red.
I bought these just to wear on the weekends. They are nice, BUT they are like wearing a fleece blanket--very soft, but VERY warm! It's a good thing we keep our home very cool during the winter. I wore the purple one early today (we took a little overnight trip yesterday and I put this one in the hotel room). I was way to warm and ended up changing into something else. Now that I know how warm these are, I probably would NOT have ordered them. But if I should go outside to shovel the driveway (don't laugh, it may happen), these would be nice to wear.
Other than the fleece, I am pretty pleased with everything I bought. That's a good thing because I never send anything back...at outlet prices, it's not worth paying the SH to return anything.
This afternoon I am working on finishing this table runner that I made last year.
All I have to do is quilt it on the machine and then but a binding on.
I also opened all of these little envelopes that contain extra buttons for all the clothing I order.
Much better!
Now I am off to cook up 5 lbs of burger. We will have spaghetti for dinner and I will also make a hamburger veggie soup for later in the week. The rest of the cooked burger will be frozen so when I want to make spaghetti again I will just thaw a container of burger and be ready to go.
What did you do this weekend?