Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Have a Gardening Post!

It's been months since I have had anything remotely related to gardening to post.
Yesterday it was in the 50's here and the snow is melting quickly. I was even able to open my sliding glass door to the deck. When I did, I saw this:

My herb pot that I leave outside all winter right next to the door. The whole deck has had over three feet of snow for months. It is beginning to melt back from the house and now this pot is exposed. It was a good feeling to see this.

DH and I went to Walmart. I was so excited about the melting snow/warmer weather, that I felt like checking out the garden department. I even bought one package of white calla lilies.

I have dozens of yellow callas, but I don't have any white callas. I never have much luck with callas that I buy, so I made sure to check the corms to make sure they all had eyes.
Oh, these look promising! I must now find some bagged soil and plant them, I think I will have better luck if I get them in soil right away.....hopefully this weekend.

It's such a good feeling to know that spring is on its way!


  1. tommorrow is the 1st day of spring Yipee!!!
    I'm glad your snow is melting

  2. Hi Deb,
    I did not even realize that! I guess it's about time the snow melts.

  3. I would just like to say that I look forward to reading your posts every day, and if for some reason you don't have a post for that day, I love looking through the pictures of your gardens. They are truly beautiful. I'm amazed that you do all of that by yourself and work full time. What an inspiration. You also inspire me to go home from work and clean when I read about cleaning frenzies. I truly enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work. I live in Texas and it's 80 degrees right now at 5:00. I can't wait to get home and get out in the yard!

  4. TC, DH and I are Andy fanatics. I watch it almost every night on TVLand. We even own the complete series on video. I have written posts about how I aspire to be Aunt Bee (I even know the correct spelling!) LOL. Yes, we still have banks over 4 feet tall of snow. It's sad, I know....

    Darlene, thank you for such a nice comment! I am afraid I am having less and less of those cleaning frenzies!! I hope I don't keep losing all of my energy for housework. It was something I rather liked about myself. 80 degrees in March??!! I don't even want to ask what it's like in August. It's 6:30 PM here and 26 degrees. The warm spell has already ended.

  5. Congratulations, Zoey! Isn't it great to see something that sort of looks like spring. Our snow is mostly gone and I am itching to get out in the garden, but it is still too wet, the ground is still frozen once you get down an inch or so and the threat of really cold weather still too likely.

    Do you keep your calas overwinter?

  6. Hi Zoey,
    I know you must be looking forward to getting out in the garden. We loaded up on annuals for color around the patio. Home Depot had the 4 inch pots 3/$1.00..
    They'll brighten everything up..

  7. You're getting me inspired !!I think I'll clear the flower beds on Saturday.
    Thanks Zoey !!

  8. Good Morning:

    What a wonderful feeling that must have been to see the pot uncovered by the melting snow. We are way ahead of you in Atlanta. Trees are blooming and allergies are in full bloom as well.

    Enjoy your spring. I look forward to your gardening posts.


  9. Ahh..the signs of spring..we are all ready for that!

  10. I love the white ones! Good that you are planting them soon.
    I got some tiny plants for a terrarium at the flower show and they are still sitting in the kitchen-need to get soil too.


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