Do you all recognize this?

It's a binder clip. It is used in offices to hold thick stacks of paper together. Binder clips come in many different sizes, but this is the size I like best to use as..............................................
I know you are all holding your breath for the big reveal
So here it is.............................................

A potato chip bag clip
These work so much better than the big plastic things you buy for the same purpose. You know, the ones that break so easily. I have never broken one of these.
Of course, I use them to hold all sorts of other food bags together...cheese is a favorite. Even though the shredded cheese has those little self closures, I find it takes numerous attempts to get the thing shut, so I just fold it over and use a smaller binder clip.
These are quite inexpensive. I think I paid something like $4 for a box of 12 of the large ones.
So now I bet you will all tell me that you have been using these for years,too. My one claim to inventor's fame will be shattered. :)
DH just walked in and stood over my shoulder. "You're putting that on your blog?" He shook his head and walked out muttering, "It must be a slow day for blog material."
LOL - I am always amazed at just how smart that man is.