My urns flanking the garage are in dire need of a fall remake.
The dahlias have been diseased all summer. I was waiting for the last one to bloom, so I knew what color it was and then I planned to cut them all down to the soil. The last one bloomed this weekend.
I discovered it's an orange dahlia. I can now mark it when I remove it for winter storage. When I took a close up picture, I noticed these little black specs:
Are they aphids? Are aphids the evil destroyers causing this damage?
I just removed all the ugly leaves last week and now the leaves I left look just as bad.
The nasturtiums are also looking bad. I was gone for two days last weekend. When I came back the nasturtiums had gone downhill.
I am tired of nasturtium's demands--constant removal of yellow leaves, cutting back spent blooms, etc. If I miss one day of watering, the leaves turn yellow. I think it's time to get rid of them.
I am going to try to revamp these containers for fall. I will show them to you after I do that. In the meantime, please let me know what the bugs are!
Making Miscellaneous Christmas Quilt Blocks
At the moment, I have no idea what will become of these quilt blocks I have
been making for the past couple of weeks. I guess they will remain in this
5 years ago