Every year I look forward to these Asiatic lilies peeking through the arbor.
They are actually a very unimpressive bland color. I think being planted where they sort of poke in and out of the arbor helps give them more interest.
I don't remember planting these white lilies. That happens all the time...forgetting what I've planted. I like them with the white Shasta daisies, though I doubt that I planned that combination.
The pink mallow behind looks nice, too, in this picture.
But it does not look so nice with the hundreds of orange lilies I have blooming right now. Most years the orange/pink combo doesn't bother me, but today it did.
So I cut a bunch of them (mallow) down about an hour ago. I probably whacked off about a foot or two of the really tall ones. They will grow back fast and when the orange lilies finish they should be ready to bloom again.
Making Miscellaneous Christmas Quilt Blocks
At the moment, I have no idea what will become of these quilt blocks I have
been making for the past couple of weeks. I guess they will remain in this
5 years ago
Your lilies are really gorgeous...my white lilies aren't quite ready to open yet but should in another week or so.