Kasmira, I wish I had used cornstarch instead of flour. Darn! I seem to have better luck thickening with cornstarch.
Well, I was not about to let 7 cups of blueberries go to waste.
I had to put my culinary thinking cap on to salvage this one.
Here's what I did...
I carefully removed the top crust (in pieces) and layed it on a dinner plate.
Then I scooped out the runny filling and put it in a pan on the stove and heated it to boiling and ...
darned if it wasn't thick as could be....I did not even have to add anything to it. Now I believe I just cut into it too early...it was still warm.......I cooked that thing over an hour so it must have gotten hot enough to boil and thicken up....wouldn't you think?
Anyway, I scooped the filling into little individual serving dishes and layed a piece of the crust on top........Voila! Country Cobbler. LOL

I have been cleaning my tush off this morning... good thing I have a rather large amount of tush, so I can keep going with no danger of losing it all.
See this mess?

Everything that was under my sink came out. I scrubbed the inside (even the pipes) and then put everything back neatly

Since I am on a roll, I thought it was a good time to clean my baking cupboard, too. I removed all the stuff before I made coffee for the little break I am currently taking. I know once I sit down I may not feel like doing it, so this forces me to finish.

Break time is over....off to put everything back in an orderly fashion.
That didn't take any time at all...10 minutes maybe. Look how organized it is now
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