Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fall Colors & Good Eats

Loved this salad I made last night with fresh tomatoes, cukes and mozerella cheese.

I have a lot of gold/orange in the garden this week. Lots of black-eyed Susans. They go nicely with J's marigolds.

Golden orange cosmos and orange dahlias on the deck:

And soon there will be a big orange flower on top of the blue container. Yes, the Tropicanna Gold has started to throw up some bid buds.
Hope you are all enjoying your own fall garden colors!


  1. That tomato/cuke/moz looks so yummy. I had a big bowl of rough diced tomatoes and shallots with a vinagrette for supper last night and thought I had died and gone to heaven. I adore this time of year---we FINALLY get tomatoes and the garden transitions to fall. I think of all the decorating I want to do. And I love seeing what others do on blogs. Your flowers still look so healthy and vibrant. Mine seem to be getting a bit "bedraggled". Tired, me-ha ha.

    1. I love all of that, too, Sue. I am planning to decorate my dining room for autumn today.

  2. Such a bright and lovely post, Zoey!

    1. I love the colors of fall. Thanks for stopping by, Betty!

  3. Your salad looks delicious!!!
    Today is our first cool morning, high 90's and lots of humidity all week, and 66 now!
    Your yard is really looking fallish with all the yellows, golds, and oranges.

  4. High 90's and it is cool? LOL! I think we have had only a day or maybe two, that hit the 90's all summer! For me, it's been a perfect summer!


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