Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Rest of My Easter Decorations for 2013

The only Easter decorating I did this year was in the dining room.  I showed you my chair backs a few posts down. Today I will show you the rest of the dining room.

Bunnies and carrots on top of this cabinet.

A white fenced real egg Easter tree on top of this curio cabinet.

The cabinet with the bunnies on top has quite a few real eggs inside it.
 Here is a cluster of three green eggs.

 Look at these spikes!
  I like the spike decorations and put them a number of eggs. Here is another one:

It almost looks like a medieval weapon!
This old sugar shell has a much less sinister-looking egg tucked inside:
 This egg reminds me of  a ballerina.
I decorated this room when I was contemplating having an Easter brunch at my home.  Then I decided that I did not feel like doing all that work.  So nobody but my blogland friends will actually see it. :)


  1. Very pretty. You sure did a lot of different things with eggs. Like all the added touches you did to them.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Love your Easter decorations!!! I'm still working on mine - can you believe it. My friend said - you know it's this Sunday? I said that I was glad I have a goal!!

  3. You always decorate so pretty. I love your eggs and decor. Thanks for sharing it with us Zoey. You have a wonderful week.

  4. Beautiful decorations, and I'm glad we got to see them here in Blogland. I haven't done a thing here to celebrate the holiday, so I'm cheered up seeing your display. Happy Easter!

  5. Can you stop by this afternoon and put out my Easter decorations?

    I'm so far behind!

    Happy Easter!

  6. I love all you different eggs! Very creative. I just did decorating on Saturday...I'm a little late and am not entirely happy with everything, but it says Easter a little bit more now.
    Happy Easter!


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