Monday, March 25, 2013

Lamp Shades Lengthened with Fringe

I had a stay-home-clean-cook-bake weekend.

I  finished the two lampshades with the fringe I bought earlier in the month.  You may recall that I purchased two shades which were too short for the lamps.  Instead of returning the shades, I decided to find some fringe to add to the bottom.  Here is a side-by-side of the too short shade and the fringe I added to lengthen it.
All I did was hot glue the fringe on. Super duper easy!
DH had the taste for a raspberry jello poke cake, so I  made him one on Saturday.
Jello poke cakes are so moist and colorful!
Since I was baking a cake, I decided I may as well make a few  Snickerdoodle cookies, too.
It has been a while since I have cooked, baked & cleaned as much as I did this past weekend. Sadly there is still a ton that could be done to keep the orderly home I like to have.  It really never ends, does it? :)


  1. I really like the shades Zoey. You had a very good idea on that one.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Lamp shades looking good. And so does the cake as well as the cookies. You sure had a busy weekend, Zoey!

  3. Well, it looks like you weren't a slacker this weekend-Those cookies look wonderful to me right now- xo Diana

  4. The fringe gives them at finishing touch! Nice!
    I haven't baked for a while. I am low on sugar and flour since the holidays and keep forgetting to buy some. It's nice you make the hubby goodies.


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