Friday, October 5, 2012

Rockwall Fall Color from Opposite Direction

I have had a couple of emails asking just where this fall color garden is.  Some of you think it's a new area, but it's just my old rockwall garden that I have spent the past three years trying to change into a shrub/grass/tree garden.  It has been a big pain to remove all the perennials and I will probably spend the rest of my life trying to get rid of all of them. 

These views looking toward the area I showed you in the last post, may help you remember which garden this is:

slightly further back giving you a view of the mossy rocks that I love:
 I like the yellow color of the hostas in autumn.  I am leaving hostas here as they will grow in shade.

15 feet further back:
 I think the dead wild fern foliage looks good with the fall colors.

the very end of this 100-foot garden looking toward arbor 3:
Both ends of the rockwall garden are flanked with large maple trees.

As you can see, there is not much planted on this end.  I put the Alberta Spruce's in a few years ago. 
This end is shady due to the two large pine trees. I will need to research  shrubs/grasses that will grow in shady areas.  Right now I am still trying to get rid of the gazillion perennials I had here.  It all takes time!  I would welcome ideas for shrubs that will grow in a mostly shady area.

Yesterday I planted the dwarf fountain grass 'hameln' at the opposite end of this garden. 

The few seed heads that are left, make a nice foreground to the burning bush. I can't wait until next year to see how it looks when it's a bit larger.


  1. Oh I think the fountain grass looks great in front of the burning bush! Great eye!

  2. love your fall colors Zoey....

  3. The fountain grass looks very nice in front of the burning bush. I love the maple trees too.

  4. Really like these photos. Love the rocks, make sure you don't let them be hidden by something. Love what you are doing here but you are right it will take a while with it being that big. I'd leave the Hosta and Ferns also. They always compliment everything.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  5. It still all looks so wonderful, Zoey, and all your hard work is paying off:) I love the ferns when they turn brown like one of the pictures I had posted a few days ago, it shows a lot of that brown fern, just gorgeous.

    Have a great weekend my friend! xoxo

  6. Yes...autumn is setting in. Your gardens are looking great.
    I'm thankful for the cooler temps. I have the work you are doing to get accomplished soon.

  7. Those red leaves are so striking in your garden Zoey. Just beautiful!

  8. "I think the dead wild fern foliage looks good with the fall colors."



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