Saturday, October 6, 2012

Productive Saturday so Far

I got up at 3:00 a.m. so I will have extra hours to be productive today.  I have already done my major  weekend cleaning tasks (done by 6:00 a.m. LOL ).   Then I started to bake a cake, but had to set it aside when I discovered I was out of eggs.  I will bake the cake later this afternoon.

As soon as it was daylight I went outside and picked up fallen pinecones so I could use them in this autumn arrangement for the family room.
I cut down the rest of my red coleus and snipped a few of the grass seed heads for this simple arrangement.

There is a second glass cyclinder inside the pinecones to hold the water. I wish I had thought to take a pic of the assembly.  I will be able to use the pine cone bottom right through Christmas. I will change the top portion to whatever I can find growing outside. I think evergreens will be nice when it's get closer to Christmas.

DH & I spent a few hours doing some pretty hard outside work, hauling all the milk cans, tables, chairs, etc. from the garden and then washing them all off.  It's time to put everything to bed for the long winter.  Everything needs to dry and then we will put it all in the crawl space.

This huge washtub is getting too heavy to haul into the storage crawl space, so we dumped it out.
I removed the tubers, corms, etc., sprayed off most of the soil and set them out to dry.  Yesterday I had the landscape guy at work remove everything from the four planters I did there.  From just five containers, I got all of this!
I still have two whiskey barrels to dig out, but I ran out of time and energy for today.  I have to get ready to go into work at 1:00 p.m. to attend a meeting. It will probably last about two hours.

DH is going to grill steaks tonight, so I won't have to do much work when I get home.  That's good because I think all of my energy is about gone already.

Hope you are having a productive Saturday, too - even if your goal is just to relax.


  1. You are so ambitious! I would have run out of energy long before now.
    I need to get all my outside stuff put away too. but it has been so cold and windy. I'm waiting for Monday because it's supposed to be warmer.

  2. Wow, Zoey, I'm impressed! I had a productive 6 hours, touring 8 special gardens. I am on the tour committee for our Master Gardeners' tour for June of next year, and we are selecting gardens to feature. It's been fun, even though I stepped in some poison ivy. No problem, though...threw those jeans, shoes and socks in the wash as soon as I got home. lol

  3. you are busy....we went to the state fair was fun...

  4. It's good to get all that outside stuff finished. I need to do it too.
    I love your pinecone vase!

  5. I would never, ever get up at 3am to do housework, unless I was having the get together of all get togethers happening! You are lucky to have so many tubers for next year and I love the arrangement you created with the pinecones, grass seeed and coleus.

    I have been noticing burning bushes all over town since I saw your post on your burning bush. I think I have the perfect place for a few burning bushes!

  6. Love the vase of pinecones. You got a lot done. You know something to consider on the containers. Make most of the dirt the really fine mulch. Plants love it and the drainage is excellent on it and best of all, the containers don't weigh much. :)
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. Oh my goodness--I'm impressed with all you completed!!!!!!

  8. Hmmm, I guess you don't feel like coming over here to help me clean out my gardens and put away the summer stuff? lol I plan on doing all that next week, hopefully we'll get a couple of nice sunny days. Today I've been getting ready for my Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. I made the Christmas potatoes, yams, stuffing, cranberry sauce and 2 pumpkin pies. Tomorrow I'll just have to cook the turkey and peel the carrots.

    Now I'm taking a break and drinking a cup of Pumpkin Spice tea:-) xoxo


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