Saturday, September 1, 2012

Labor Day Weekend 2012

I am planning to spend the weekend staying home.  My BIL usually has a Labor Day deck party, but he has not called to invite us, so we are assuming there is no party this year.  That is fine with us as we have a lot of projects that we want to do.  As always, I have to work on Labor Day, so it's not like I get a long weekend.  I have just two days to finish everything on my list.

This morning I went to a Laundromat to wash my thick king-size mattress pad as I needed a huge washing machine to fit it in. I have had that task on my "to do" list for weeks. I am glad to finally get to check it off as completed.  While it was washing, we walked across the road to the farmer's market. It is the first time we have gone this year.

I already oven roasted the beets, so they just need to be reheated for dinner tonight.  I will pan fry the yellow squash in a bit of butter with salt and pepper.  YUM! I can't wait for dinner tonight!

After cleaning & preparing all of the fresh veggies, I went outside and cut down most of the dahlias on the deck and one wheelbarrow load of spent flowers from the side garden.

 I also made a new dining room flower bouquet. I used a lot of a chartreuse-colored coleus that I have planted in the picture frames on the deck.  I plan to remove those tomorrow, so I thought I would make use of the coleus, which still looks decent.

I added Sedum Autumn Joy and a few sprigs of Russian Sage. I cut just three leaves from my heuchera 'Caramel' for the front.

I like how the coleus matches the green in the chair covers.

I did a bit of sewing this weekend that was inspired by my Buddelia bush...I won't post about it here since I already did on my other blog, Zoey Quilts.  If my sewing/quilting interests you, just click anywhere on this sentence to go there.

To all of you who get a long weekend, I hope you enjoy it!


  1. Your bouquet looks lovely. I think Sedum looks really good cut and it stays nice for so long too.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. love the flowers they really go well with your dining room set...enjoy the rest of your weekend...sorry you have to Labor on Labor day...

  3. You know I have never cut sedum to use in a bouquet. What a good idea- I guess it just never occurred to me. I thought about you today as I was out moving a garden bed from the front to the back. lol What a lot of work. I am almost done. Blessings and have a great Labor Day weekend- xo Diana

  4. I've never thought to use Sedum in cut flower arrangements-how clever. It looks great!
    Enjoy the day!

  5. Definitely the bouquet looks perfect with your seat covers!
    The veggies look nice too.


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