Friday, June 17, 2011

New Eyesores & One Eyesore Fixed

Because most tubers/corms refuse to grow in my garden soil, I add a lot of  containers to my gardens so I will have some late summer color. All of the containers have Tropicannas, calla lilies or dahlias that will bloom in August.

I really do not like to see ugly containers sticking out of perennial gardens.  But in order to get something interesting later, I must but up with the uglies for a while in late spring.

As you can see, right now they do not look very pretty.
I added them now so that the foliage can grow around them.  It won't be long before they are hidden.

This little container is pink calla lilies.

From the front view, you can barely see it.

This big square green container of Tropicanna is quite visible right now.

This is the same container, just a different angle.

and a third view of the same container to show that it is visible in all directions.

I find these round black plastic containers the easiest to hide.

Here is another big green square container. I think there will be enough foliage growth to hide it completely within the next week.
The only problem with containers nestled among the foliage is that I have to find them all to water them. Bring on the rain!

Remember the big area of grass that the grubs killed?  DH has been working hard on that area and it looks so much better!

In case you don't remember what it looked like a few weeks ago, here is a reminder:

I think he has done a darn good job of making this area presentable.


  1. Your gardens are looking beautiful. Nice to see a pic of hubby, even if it's his backside.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. The gardens are lovely. The grass is unbelievable in such a short amount of time.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. Zoey,

    You have a great looking garden, well packed with great perennials and the cool woods behind it. I am sure you love this look when you sit on your deck.

    I know what you mean about the plant growth hiding things, having trouble right now seeing my gazing ball, will probably have to move it!


  4. You could always spray paint the containers for a pop of color until they fill in, makes it somewhat easier to locate later too. Great job on the lawn.

  5. DH did a wonderful job on the grass..being diligent pays off! Your gardens are looking great, Zoey. I can only imagine what they will look like in a few weeks..

  6. Your gardens are looking wonderful. Can't wait for your tropicals to pop...Balisha

  7. Your garden is very beautiful. Your husband did a great job rehabbing the lawn.

  8. What a difference with the growth of new grass! Great job, and I know you're glad to have that area filled in! Love your lambs ears. Beautiful flower gardens!

  9. I can't wait to see all the containers blooming amongst the pretty perennials.
    DH did do a good job with the grass. Mine doesn't give a hoot-I'm the one who usually throws a few bags of grass seed around-lol. : )

  10. oh my gosh. After reading your blog for...what...four, five, six?? years?? I have spotted the Mr. Zoey for the first time!!
    I don't find your containers objectionable at all! Isn't it funny how different things bother us?!


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