Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Added a Few Pieces of Garden Whimsy

DH has a few old Tonka trucks and I like to use this one for fresh bouquets.  The bed is surrounded by white rails, and is the perfect size for fresh flowers.

I added a hosta to the old rusty milk can near the main arbor. I like to keep a few hostas in containers to use for accents inside the milk cans.

The hostas take little care--just some watering every week. Since they are basically some shade of green, they go with everything.

I also brought out a few more watering cans. I like to leave my watering cans unplanted so I can make bouquets of fresh flowers to match whatever happens to be in bloom -- like the iris' behind this blue watering can.

The bouquets usually last 3 to 5 days, then I throw out the flowers and either make a new bouquet or leave it empty.

I also moved the little bird houses to the arbor containers. They were getting hidden by all the foliage in the main gardens.

I am joing the Cottage Flora Thursday party today.


  1. Cute tonka truck, but you might want to check the value on it!

    Love all the flowers.

  2. That is an adorable truck and sweet arrangement! I like your wine colored petunias. It seems to be a good year for petunias in these parts.

  3. Really like your blog. Thanks for stopping by. Started following you today, hope you come back and do same. Thanks.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. I'd check on the Tonka truck value too. Love the whimsy here.

  5. Love that Tonka truck. My son used to love those sturdy trucks but they idn't hod up to well left in the sandbox, rust!

    What a great idea to use the watering cans for floral displays. I have three of them and will certainly use them for decor as of now they just sit there.


  6. Oooh, I love your garden whimsy!... my hubby would love that little truck full of flowers, and I adore that blue watering can!... xoxo Julie Marie

  7. Love the Tonka truck hauling flowers. And you've given me a great idea for our old milk and watering cans, too.

    I just adore your container plantings, all so pretty!

  8. OH - that blue watering can! What a great piece!

  9. Very pretty, love the turquoise watering can. Visiting you from Cottage Flora today....

  10. Love that little truck. those are so plentiful at tag sales!!

    Thanks for the pictures and inspiration.

    Best wishes.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I am pretty sure that this was the first year the peonies bloomed with the lavender. We had a really warm spring this year though. Hostas are among my favorite garden plants and I love that there are so many to choose from. Yours is a lovely variety.

  12. I love your pink iris, how beautiful! And the shot of your garden is so lovely.

  13. Such a brilliant idea to use the old Tonka truck as a fresh flower container! I also love the idea of using a pretty coloured watering can to put fresh flowers in. Your Irises are all looking so lovely, my first one just opened up yesterday!

    Are you having the heat we've been having this week? Nothing but sunshine and in the 80's every day so far. Last week the furnace came on, this week the a/c is on! lol xoxo

  14. Oh, i love your truck! i've seen those being used lately in decorating & love the idea...makes us wonder why we ever get rid of anything doesn't it? Thanks for sharing at Cottage Flora Thursday's! xoox, tracie


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