Sunday, December 12, 2010

A perfect Snowy Sunday

I had Mary France's Cherry Snowball cookies done by 8:00 a.m. this morning.
 The beauty of these little melt-in-your-mouth morsels, is what's inside.
 What a perfect cookie for the holidays. Imagine if you made half with green cherries and half with red cherries.
I got 24 cookies from the recipe, so I must have made them bigger than I should have. I would not suggest making them as big as I did. I think Mary-Frances said she gets 36 cookies. That would be a better cherry-to-dough ratio.

I will most definitely make these again. It was fun knowing I was making the same cookies one of my blogging friends had made yesterday. Thanks again for sharing, Mary-Frances.

I also baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies while DH was out shoveling the driveway.  When he came in I cooked a big breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen (for the third time), then turned on the family channel and watched a sappy Christmas movie while I tried to figure out how to make this gift wrapped in dull gold paper look nice.

I will show you how it turned out tomorrow.  I can't believe it's only noon! There is still a lot of the day left and I don't intend to waste a second of it!


  1. Zoey, I can't keep up with you! What an amazing amount of cooking and baking and decorating you have done! I'd love to sample your cookies...fantastic!

  2. Zoey, you are a whirlwind girl! What a great idea, red and green cherries for the cookies. Can't wait to see what else you get up to today!

  3. These cookies are wonderful Zoey, I made them for my cooking blog I think it was last year and they are such tasty little treats and beautiful too. I rolled mine in coconut.
    Waiting to see what you will add to this wrapped gift..
    Word verification is urapho..cute:)

  4. Those cookies look yummy and Betty R.comment about rolling them in coconut sounds interesting too!

  5. I think I will keep these cookies in mind. They are a lot like Russian teacakes. Yum!
    I also like to bake when it's cold outside. No snow here yet.

  6. cookies worthy of a king! And a real diet-buster too! As always, thank you for sharing your Sunday morning - you inspire me.

  7. Cookies look pretty, but I won't be making them, I don't like those cherries.
    I am so far behind in blog reading.
    I will try to get your blueberry french toast recipe for you.


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