Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Beginning of a Wonderful Weekend at Home

I did some sewing early this morning. Then I went to Joanne's and  bought some fabric for the patterns I ordered earlier in the week. I also did some Christmas shopping--bought both of the gifts I need for the exchange at the Christmas Eve gathering which will be at my sister's this year. I was home by noon and shortly thereafter, I started cooking.

I roasted squash and carrots in a 500-degree oven and browned a pot roast on top of the stove.
While the veggies were roasting, I prepared an apple crisp.
I baked it once the veggies were finished and I could lower the oven temp to 350 degrees. It is now cooling on the counter top as the roast finishes cooking.

Look how beautiful these cherries are!

Are you wondering what these cherries are doing in a strainer?

I was visiting Mary-Frances blog today and she posted a cookie recipe with maraschino cherries. It sound like a recipe I and  my husband would like, so I am drying out the cherries so I can bake the cookies tomorrow.   Mary-Frances shared the recipe on this post.  I will post pictures tomorrow when the cookies are finished.  We are supposed to get a lot of snow tonight and tomorrow, so it will be a perfect day to bake cookies. I love baking Christmas cookies as the snow falls outside the kitchen window.


  1. Oh, Zoey , Yum, Yum! I have spent the day shopping and shopping, even for groceries so I can cook tomorrow. I am sure I will be in the house because we are expecting a blizzard, high winds, snow and super cold. Yikes!


  2. I am sitting here while the snow blows outside. We live near Eileen and are expecting the same snowy forecast. I love to bake when it is snowing too. It is such a cozy thing to do. Have fun this weekend..Balisha

  3. Everything looks delicious Zoey, hope you and hubby enjoy the cookies. :-)

  4. Hi Zoey, oh, I can just about smell the delicious aromas coming from your kitchen from here! Same snowstorm here, too, hope you stay warm and safe.


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