Friday, May 25, 2007

It only took 6 months

to get this sunflower arrangement put back up over the china cabinet. Remember I took it down for Christmas and a few weeks ago I brought it back in from the garage and washed all the flowers.

See this robin's nest? I've had it for a few years. A robin abandon the nest. It used to have 3 eggs, but two have broken. I like to stick in in the arrangement.

There. The top is no longer bare!

Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat. I went to bed with a box of Kleenex by my side. Today it's even worse. I think it's this sinus stuff I seem to be developing in my journey toward old age. All of you who are cursed with sinus problems, is a sore throat a symptom?

I've got too much work to do to let it get me down today. I see we did not get rain overnight. Now that it's light enough,I am heading back outside to begin weeding on the small gardens near the road. I hate to have them a mess as everyone that drives by can see them. I can knock them out with a good hour's work, I think. The weather channel is showing rain by 9:00 a.m., so I'd better get moving.


  1. The robin's nest adds the perfect touch, Zoey. Sore throat? Uh-oh. Not sure it's sinus, but I think that's better than the alternative. That's how my cold/viral infection started out. Maybe you'd better get some rest and let people think poorly of your front beds for another day or two!

  2. Pretty!

    I get a sore throat from my allergies and all the "stuff" running down the back of my throat. Have one today in fact.

  3. Lostroses, I think you're right. It's more than sinus. At this moment I don't care much what anyone thinks about the half dug beds.

    Jodi, Thank you. And thanks for stopping by. I will chat more another day when I feel better.


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