Sunday, October 15, 2006

Trip to the Apple Farm

It was a decent day today, so we decided to take the 40-mile trip to the apple farm.

It's a quaint little store/orchard that we like to go to every year.

I took pictures of the hilly road filled with gold-leaved trees on the way in. Once there I got nice pics of the apples still on the trees, me sitting on the cute bench near the orchard, and pics of a few interesting displays inside the store.

I came home eager to see how the pictures came out. I downloaded them and went into my picture program to take a peek.

I could have just cried! They were all gone. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Not one picture of the apple farm was still there.

The only apple-related picture left was this which I must have taken after I inadvertently deleted all the rest:

Yup. That's me eating one of the apples I bought.

I bought a 1/2 peck of Runkel apples. I've never heard of them before.

Tomorrow I plan to bake a couple for dinner to go with left over pork roast.

We decided to travel a bit further and ended up going about 200 miles round trip.
Here we have snow still on the mountain from Friday's storm. Some places in this area got over a foot of snow.
I thought it was neat with the fall color on each side of the snowy ski mountain.

So I had a nice weekend. Productive and still fun.

When I got home I talked to my son who lives in the Detroit area. He had just gotten home from a Lions football game. He was happy because it was the first game the Lions won this year.


  1. Oh, Zoey! I just hate it when I inadvertantly delete pics off my camera (has happened more than once)! Right now, I'm in the process of backing up all my photos to CDs just in case my hard drive crashes. I have over 5,000 pics right now and I've heard so many horror stories about that happening.
    Back up, Back up, Back up! Let that be your mantra today!

  2. Loved the pictures you did Not delete!
    Those apples are a new type to me!
    I've accidentally deleted myself and get so frustrated. That just didn't use to happen with the 35mm...

  3. Oh how awful that you accidently deleted your pics! The ones you had left are lovely all was not lost. I love the one of you taking a bight :)
    I haven't heard of those apples either. Yum, I love crisp, juicy, tart Fall apples. Must go to the apple orchard and buy some.


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