Sunday, October 15, 2006

Getting My Winter Project Ready

I hate this part of quilting!
It's called "sandwiching" the layers together.

It wouldn't be so bad if I had a place large enough to lay out a nearly 9ft. x 9ft. quilt top.

I have given up basting the quilt since I discovered the baste-by-safety-pin method. It's much easier.

I've worked on this for over an hour this morning and am not yet done. The problem is that I used some of the batting for other projects and now I have to piece it together which takes a lot of time.

I decided to take a short coffee/blog break and then will sew the last piece of batting and finish holding it together with safety pins. I will feel really good when it's all folded up just waiting for me to get in the mood to quilt it. Posted by Picasa

Last night I went to Wally's World and found another tablecloth marked down.
How could I resist this one?

I knew it would be a perfect match to my 1950's Pyrex turquoise dishes.


  1. That basting part looks hard on the knees!
    Love the turquoise Pyrex. I saw a set of solid pink Pyrex bowls at an antique shop and almost bought them. (too pricey) We're off to another show today, so hopefully will find some goody or another!

  2. Safety pins are amazing, I find. I'm sure this isn't an original idea, but I think safety pins are to women what duct tape is to men. I always carry a couple with me in my purse.

  3. Zoey where do you get your energy? I'm feeling tired just reading all that you have done (this is a reply to both posts). It is 11:00am now and I'm just contemplating what I should tackle today, how sad is that?? Anyway, love the tablecloth and pyrex dishes I think that would look great together.And good for you with the quilt, that is a lot of work but the finished product is so worth it. TWT

    P.S. Oh yeah, LOVE your wine rack holder/towel idea. That is sooo creative. In fact my husband was cleaning out the basement the other day and we have a old wine rack that we have never used. He was going to throw it out but now I'm glad that I wouldn't let him. Thanks once again, I love visiting your blog.

  4. I am amazed by quilts, but would NEVER have the patience to even think about trying to do one! I know that project would get me through SEVERAL winters! Good luck! ~ jb///

    I am thinking that maybe I will get a couple of those folding office type tables and shove them together so that at least I would not have to get down on the floor.

    My mom, who is in her 80's told me she didn't mind doing this part of the quilt at all,. Go figure!

  6. I agree with LZ...
    No way could I ever make a quilt. I would be crying within minutes!

    I love the brown and turquois combination in the tablecloth and tableware!!

  7. WOW....look at the quilt. You go girl. LOL I am getting my MIL to help me finish up my rail fence quilt that I had started last February...yes...LAST Feb.LOL Yikes. Good luck with your quilt and those chocolate treats look fabulous.


  8. Hi taracotta,
    I haven't seen you in a long time.
    It always takes me well over a year to complete a quilt. I piece them one year and usually quilt them the next. These big king size ones take me the entire winter to hand quilt. Are you handquilting your rail fence? I will have to visit your blog to see what's new with you.


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