Saturday, October 29, 2005

My Garden Today


  1. Is that the maple that was previously hidden to you by the pine trees? What a shame to miss that wonderful display of autumn colour. Are they hostas with the yellow leaves in a lower photo? If so, I hadn't realised that they changed colour, but then, I've never grown them either. I really like them but I don't think I have anywhere cool, shady and damp enough for them yet. Lovely photos.

  2. Yes, to both questions, Alice. I am quite happy to see the old Maple tree this year.

  3. Ah I miss the Maple trees, we don't have a lot of them here.

  4. I think the coloring varies from hosta to hosta and also on how mellow your autumn is. I have hostas but they rarely get that mellow golden color. Often our first freeze is quite hard and they go from green to mush.

  5. My husband is big on rocks and moss. He'd be drooling over this last picture.

  6. Sylvana, I love the mossy rocks, too. I am always excited when I see it appearing on a new rock.


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