Sunday, October 30, 2005

Blue Jean Stocking Ornaments

Here is the box of ornaments I made this weekend. Brit left a comment that she could not see the picture and was interested, so I decided to do an entire "how-to" post.

Step One: Trace a stocking pattern on the front side of some old jeans. You will cut right on the line you draw.

Step Two: Stitch about 1/4 inch inside your cutting line. Leave the top edges open.

Step Three: Clip all around the edges (including the top edges). Be careful not to cut through your stitching line. This will become your fringe.

Step Four: Now you need to wash your ornaments to make them fray. Find an old pillowcase or something that you can sew into a big pouch.

It should be something that you can throw away when finished. Throw all of your completed stockings into this and double fold over the top and pin it. Make sure to pin it or you will have a big mess of fuzz in your washing machine! You don't need to do a separate load of wash, just throw the pillowcase in with a load of jeans. Throw them into the dryer (it takes about an hour to dry these).

Unpin and remove. See all the lint?

And I only had six in this batch. It is nice to remove them outside so you can shake off all the lint. I did three loads, shaking out the pillowcase in between. After the last load, I just tossed it out because I have a lot of old 'rag' cases if I ever need another one.

You will need to iron the stockings. Then stuff a small amount of fiberfill in the toe area and fill them up with whatever you desire. Hot glue on a bow if you want to.
They are super easy (although messy!) to make.

Here they are on the blue jean/gingerbread man tree:

If anybody decides to make some, be sure to post a picture so I can see what you decide to do with them. If you do a denim-themed tree and also have a blue jean quilt (Brit, I am thinking of you!), the quilt would make a great tree skirt around the bottom. I am still working on finishing my blue jean quilt. I doubt that it will be done by Christmas.


  1. Oh my goodness, now that is a great idea!!!!

    why didnt you post this BEFORE i got rid of hubbies old jeans???

  2. A lot of church rummage sales have bag sales towards the end--as much as you can stuff in a paper grocery bag for a dollar. You can probably pick up enough jeans that way. I know a woman who got enough 100% wool coats this way to may a patchwork quilt with them. The backing was flannel. Can you imagine how warm that must be?

  3. I'm loving them with the spiral lollypops. Very cool!

  4. Your energy and creativity never cease to amaze me!

  5. Kathy, great idea of the rummage sales.
    Jenn, I bought those at Walmart a few days ago.
    Hi Sandy. Some days I have tons of energy...other days....not much at all. New ideas seem to energize me.

  6. Zoey - I KNOW I left a message yesterday to tell you how much I loved you for giving me the answer to my little problem re blogs not starting at the lastest posting. However, my comment seems to have disappeared (yet again), but thank you very much indeed. You were quite right, and now I've fixed the problem.

  7. Alice, thanks so much for letting me know! I was wondering if you had tried it. Doesn't if feel sooooo good when you finally figure out those 'puter problems?


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