Monday, July 26, 2021

Red Geranium Wall Planter with Red Border Dahlias below

 I have saved this container of red geraniums in my basement for the past five years.  It started blooming last week and it did not disappoint!

It is loaded with blooms.  Last fall I decided that I should underplant my garage container with something that would carry on the lovely red color.  I decided to order some Red Carpet Border Dahlias from Brecks.  They are very short --less than 20 inches tall.  I planted the tubers and crossed my fingers that the red would somewhat match.

The Red Carpet Border Dahlias have begun to bloom:

Yahoo!  I think they are a near perfect match.  I have planted more of them under the window to the left of this.  They have buds, but have not yet bloomed.  I ordered 5 from Breck's and they all came up. They are combined with pink Park Princess spider dahlias.  Can't wait to see it all come together!    I will show that combo when it blooms.

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