Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Ninebark Diabolo in Full Bloom, Zesting Lemons New Iris

 I love the blooms on this mature Ninebark.  If memory serves me right, this guy is about 8 years old and has never been cut back.  I find that I like Ninebark best when its limbs are allowed to grow and fall  gracefully in its natural form.

This is how it looks from my computer room window:

We are still waiting for a good rain to end a very early drought. Hence, the nearly dormant grass.

I was thrilled to see this gorgeous bloom on a new iris, Zesting Lemons. I purchased this from Breck's in 2019. It was part of a group package of 6 iris.  Unfortunately 4 of the 6 died off before I ever got to see the bloom.  I waited two seasons before contacting Breck's for a refund  as I know iris often do not bloom the first year.  I just emailed them today, so will see if they send a refund or  replacements for the 4 that croaked .  They have always been very good about standing behind their product.

Love, love this Blue Oat Grass with the blue orbs (bowling balls) and the Speedwell Sunny Border Blue ( which is actually purple).  I have never understood whey companies insist on telling us their flower is blue when it is purple.  Maybe they think we are all color blind.

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