Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cattails in the Coleus

I had planned to do a lot of fall decorating inside this past weekend.  As it turned out, the weather was great for working in the garden, so I did just a small bit of outside fall decorating.

A couple of weeks ago, we stopped by the side of the road and J cut down some cattails for me so I could use them for autumn decorating.

Sunday I stuck a few of them in this coleus planter on the side of the garage. I also added a small scarecrow.

Then I plunked a pumpkin in this old floor lamp container on the deck. I added three more cattails:
That's a far I got on the autumn deck décor.  It was such a beautiful weekend, that I spent all my time moving plants and cutting down those that were finished for the year.

I just watched our local weather forecast for the next few days..........OMG.....down in the 30's for night time lows!  I am so glad I enjoyed my weekend outside in the last few days of summer rather than doing autumn décor inside!


  1. Your cattails are beautiful! Did you spray them with anything? Mom use to spry them with hair spray to keep them from fuzzing out.

    Keep warm! Brrrr!!!

    1. Nope, no spray. I thought I had picked them early enough so they would not do that. I was wrong. One of them has already fluffed out!

  2. That looks great! I've also heard about spraying the cattails with hairspray so they don't burst in the house. We're also getting those low temp forecasts for the end of the week - I'm not ready!

    1. Hi LostRoses,
      It got pretty darn cold here. I think it's going to warm up a bit now. Fingers crossed...........

  3. I've always loved cattails! Really sets off your displays.

    1. Thanks, Sue. I enjoyed reading your last blog post.

  4. Love your displays, especially the one on the side of the garage. What a talent for containers you have - such an eye for beauty!

    1. Thanks, Beth. They are fun to play around with. :)

  5. Great decorating tips! There are some cattails near here and I may grab some! Thanks for the inspirations. I like 'free' too. I just bought some pumpkins and black violets. I may add them to some orange plastic pumpkins.


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