Monday, July 29, 2013

Garden Remake #2 and Misc. Garden Shots

We almost finished the second garden bed yesterday.  I will go out after work today to cut back some of the floppy foliage and add a section of Sedum Autumn Joy to the front.
DH and I worked together for only about an hour.  It's amazing how fast things happen when two people are sharing the work! The one we finished on Saturday is just to the right of this picture.
Here are a few random shots of the other parts of the garden:

Speedwell beginning to bloom:

Purple Phlox:
We just moved that Alberta Spruce there on Saturday.  I don't think it's staying as the shape is wonky. I may attempt to trim it up a bit to see if I like it better.  If not it will get moved to the back rockwall garden.

Coleus through the wagon wheel:
Same coleus:
I had three Manhattan lilies left, so I cut them down and DH made a nice bright bouquet for the front porch.
Here is the hosta garden that I planted last fall. 
I am very happy with the hosta garden.  This was one of those areas where nothing would grow. The hostas seem to like it here.  The only problem is the deer and rabbits have been using this area as the local diner. I had to use some Hinder to spray the plants.  It seems to have stopped the feast for a while. 

Shasta daisies are almost finished for another year:

I feel pretty good about the amount of work we got done in the garden this weekend. Of course, there is still tons of work to do--it never ends.


  1. Love the long shots to get an idea of overall. Lovely as always. You have so much that you always have a bunch of lovelies in bloom.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

    1. Just a few more weeks and everything will be done blooming. It goes by faster each year!

  2. Your gardens are so beautiful and I envy you.

    1. Thanks, Betty. You always leave the kindest comments.

  3. It's looking fantastic, Zoey!

    1. Thanks, Sue. I was sad to read that your veggie garden was over. Same thing happened to my dad.

  4. Well, as always, I am just in awe of your gardens. They are so very beautiful, Zoey. Love them! xo Diana

  5. You have a beautiful garden. Well done on that new bed! That first shot, with the new bed in front, and all the meandering flower beds behind, with the wagon wheel, and the two arbors, just makes me want to be there to look more closely at everything. I need to take more long shots of my garden.

    1. I do enjoy seeing the long shots, too. I get a much better perspective on the area the gardener is working with. I am glad you enjoyed the post, Alison.

  6. Your garden is looking beautiful Zoey with all of the plants in bloom now. Love that coleus!

    1. I do love the red color on that one, too, Lona. I just wish it was larger. It's not growing much at all.

  7. Your gardens are just beautiful, Zoey! Love that hot pink speedwell.


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