Saturday, June 1, 2013

RIP Smokebush

Last June I moved this Smokebush to the focal point position in this garden:

What a wonderful pop of foliage color -- I was thrilled with it in this location. I gave it special attention all summer just to make sure it was nicely settled in its new home. Unfortunately it was not so happy in this neighborhood. It died sometime between fall and spring.
I need to go out this weekend and find a replacement. I  am looking for a Ninebark because it has the same color of foliage and it will grow tall quickly.

After dinner last night, we took a walk around the park where this tall ship was docked. The Niagara is a replica of the vessel that was used in the war of 1812.

This ship came from Erie, Pennsylvania with 20 students who are studying various aspects of the Great Lakes.
I can't imagine climbing up to the top of these sails..........

Here's a Google pic of what she looks like in full sail:

Sweet husband made me this spinach/chicken salad for dinner:
So healthy and delicious!
I am planning to spend a lot of time outside in the gardens this weekend (between rain showers) and if I can stand all the mosquitoes!  Hopefully I will have a new shrub to show you in that garden. 


  1. Sorry about your smoke bush. You surely pampered it all last year. I see some people wrap burlap around their shrubs-though not sure if smoke bushes are so delicate.
    Great ship and photos. Never been to Erie as it's further west in the state.
    I am trying to lower my triglycerides, so that looks like a health smart salad.
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Hi Dianne,
    I thought of you when I saw that the Niagara was from PA. I wondered how far away from you it was. Yes, I think that would be a great salad for you. The pic does not show any dressing, but we used Henri's Sweet and Tangy Blend. It was perfect for this salad--a little goes a long way. It's pretty sweet.

  3. What a cool ship and a yummy salad!!!


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