Friday, March 1, 2013

Spring is Almost Here

You would never know that by looking outside where I live. We have been getting heavy wet snow for the past few days. I hate driving in this stuff.

 Here I am pulling into work yesterday morning.
That's a big snow bank directly in front of where I park.  Yes, it's quite early - 6:30 a.m.

In the late afternoon light the snow looks much prettier.

All of my flowers are finally able to enjoy a warm winter covering. 

I hope the weather is a bit nicer where you are.


  1. We just had a small covering of snow with this last one. I am just waiting for Spring and this Winter to be over with.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Same thing here, Zoey- I am so sick of winter this year! xo Diana

  3. I just read on another blog that the time changes on the Spring isn't far away.

    I remember those days of going to work in the dark.

  4. Your yard looks so beautiful in snow. We have a lot on the ground too. Last year was a drier and warmer winter than normal, and I thought I'd look back at my photos from this time last year. I was expecting to see crocus, etc., but no - it was snow then too. The crocus and hellebores and snowdrops showed up in late March.
    Drive safe! xo Beth

  5. We have the same stuff but I can' complain because we need the moisture!

  6. Are you in my neighborhood?

    We've got lots of snow on the ground. Someone tonight told us the biggest snow of the season is predicted next week here according to the farmer's almanac . . .we will see.

    Have a great weekend! We are headed to OK to spoil the grand baby for 3 or 4 days.

  7. We had sunshine and 80° -- gotta love Arizona in the winter!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Zoey, we have enough snow too! The temps were not so bad the last few days and spring is coming!!..Really it is!!
    Well at least the snow cover is good moisture for your plants:)


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