Thursday, August 23, 2012


That is the name I decided to call this combination of all beef Frankfurter and loose meat hamburger served on hot dog buns.

We both loved them!
I cooked up a few pounds of the burger and froze the rest in two containers to use later for chili or spaghetti.  You know my motto....cook once eat three times (minimum).
Look at this tree...
August is not even over and it's already changing into it's fall attire.

Speaking of fall attire, I just ordered this new jacket:
I think it's my first clothing order since the end of June.  I am quite proud of myself. :)  I think this one can be worn to work and also for more casual weekend outfits.  I am a huge fan of 3/4 length sleeves.  They are great for summer air conditioned rooms as well as for winter heated rooms. They also leave just enough bare arm to show off some wrist jewelry.

I am already thinking of Halloween decorating.  I pulled up my "Halloween" inspiration file and made a collage to inspire me:
I would really like to make those cookies in the center.  DH loves frosted sugar cookies and these look pretty easy to decorate.

I also want to replicate this Edgar Allen Poe Raven table I did two  years ago:
Those candy corn sugar cookies would be great in the 3-tired serving dish. 

I seem to remember buying a bunch of Halloween items during the after holiday sales last fall. I will have to check my Halloween label to see what I bought. Don't you find your blog a handy way to remember things? 

 I can tell autumn is almost here. I am feeling the urge to decorate my dining room table. I have not done much of that in since my Valentine's Day dinner party.

Are your maple trees beginning to turn colors yet?


  1. We noticed quite a few leaves changing on the way to Kingsley for ice cream yesterday. Love the reds Michigan gets. We never had that in IL.

  2. That looks interesting to eat Zoey. Fall colors are coming early here also, along with leaves dropping already.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. Those are almost like chili dogs-good idea! I like a hotdog once in a while. We went to that popular hotdog place last Saturday and it was mobbed,though I couldn't chew some of the skin of the dog.
    I'll have to start looking at the Pinterest board for Halloween too! I usually do a summer display and bought things to add to it, but I didn't feel like it this summer-I was too hot!
    I do look at tags, etc. on my blog for recipes, etc.
    I haven't noticed any leaves changing yet...then I will go out to the parks more.

  4. I have noticed some of the trees around here have a tint of fall coming into them. I don't know if it is because it has been so dry or that everything was so early this year. Zoey I love that jacket. Gorgeous.

  5. Sue,
    I don't have many reds in my yard, so I planted a lot of Burning bush.

    Cher, I have not noticed any leaves dropping yet. I hope they hold off for a few weeks.

    Dianne, I never even thought of chili dogs being so similar.

    Lona, I think it's because everything was at least 2 weeks early blooming this year, so it only makes sense that the leaves would be two weeks early, too.

  6. I saw a couple of trees here that have started to change already, too. I think you aren't too far North of me? I love your inspiration files-those sugar cookies are adorable and so is the Poe inspired table top- xo Diana

  7. My maple trees aren't changing yet, but I've seen some that look like yours.


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