Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Red Daylilies & Over watering Kills

I have not been out in the garden much since last week.  I took these pictures of blooming phlox and daylilies a few days ago.

I have this phlox planted in a number of different areas. It's the one I used for the ice cream sundae bouquet.
Speaking of that little bouquet, I changed it yesterday after I accidentally broke off one of my 'Hot Papaya' coneflowers.  I didn't want to waste the flower, so I picked off all the petals and just used the top to put a big cherry on my bouquet!
Works perfect for a cherry, don't you think?

I  have a lot of these red daylilies.  I like them since they bloom in an in-between stage of gardening--right after the first big flush of Asiatic lilies is over

I have not been deadheading my daylilies this year.  It's a big chore, so I said to heck with it. 
Next year I think I will go back to deadheading each day after work.  I can't stand how messy daylilies look without deadheading. I need to either deadhead them or don't plant them. I am not doing them justice by allowing them to look like this.
Not pretty at all.

Remember the gorgeous green coneflower and red rudebeckia I bought a few weeks ago from Home Depot?  If you forgot, the following pics won't help you remember because they are only the decayed corpses of their original bodies.
 Overnight they both drooped and within two days looked like this.  I thought it was impossible to overwater during 90 -95 degree days.   Just for kicks, I pulled the plants out and was quite angry to see this tiny root system just three inches from the top of the container:

 Had I known there was no root system, I would have never bought these plants. This is the first year I have had a problem like this.  I guess I need to take the advice I have read on the net and BEWARE OF HOME DEPOT PLANTS! 


  1. Zoey, you have to tip the plants out of the pots and check the root systems when you buy there.
    I think they see me coming a mile away---I can just hear them griping about me doing that. Oh well,---for what plants cost you have to do what you have to do!

  2. Love the phlox and the daylilies...I would be so tempted to cut the plants down to the roots and soak them and them pot them up in new soil... just to see. :) This is the first I have heard of issues with Home Depot plants... so sorry.

  3. I've never bought plants from Home Depot so I don't know how they do. Too bad they didn't work out for you.

  4. Yeah-I have not had very good luck with HD plants either-at least the potted ones. I have had pretty good luck with their firs and ferns though.

    Love your cherry on top! xo Diana

  5. I love your daylilies. I have a few left, the ruby red ones. Brian has some digging in that one garden for me-too much ornamental grass!
    I guess the plants can unfortunately be hit or miss. I've gotten some nice plants at H.D and Lowes too. Sorry yours bit the dust. I hate when I take plants out of the 6 packs and they are so root bound.

  6. I'm like you and deadhead the Daylilies. Hey take your plants back to HD and they will refund your money for them. They would not have died if they had a decent root system. Have had the same problem with things from the big box store. They are ok to buy some things from though as they do guarantee them.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. I'm like you and deadhead the Daylilies. Hey take your plants back to HD and they will refund your money for them. They would not have died if they had a decent root system. Have had the same problem with things from the big box store. They are ok to buy some things from though as they do guarantee them.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  8. If HD won't refund your money, I'd cut those back-hard-and replant them somewhere shady for the rest of the year and see if they come back next Spring. But that's because I'm cheap and won't toss a plant if I've paid for it! ;)

  9. Ice cream sundae bouquet..love it!

  10. Zoey I would cut those Rudbeckia's off and plant those roots anyway. You may be surprised. Your lilies are just beautiful. I love the deep reds. Have a lovely week.

  11. Hi Zoey, I love the little sundae bouquet. I used to order bouquets like that from a florist. They used pink and white carnations. I sent them to people in the hosp. and they always were so pretty.
    I've taken plants back to HD. They are pretty good about returns.


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