Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gigantic Pot People in a Gorgeous Garden

It is still cold and windy, so I was happy to find the current issue of Midwest Living in my mailbox when I got home from work. 

I love this Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin  garden  with huge 12-ft tall pot people! The article says they are appropriately named Terra and  Cotta.....gotta love that!

Here is a close up:
I think the skirt is an upside down flower pot, but I am not sure.  This garden belongs to Dale and Joan Jeanquart.  Their garden is on two lots--just like mine--except their second lot is much more manicured with nice trees---I don't see any ugly pine trees.  I think they have done a great job working together to create this wonderland, don't you agree?


  1. LOL- Zoey-Great minds think alike. I was going to post this same thing tomorrow but now I won't. Amazing, isn't it? xo Diana

  2. I would love to see this....a photographer's dream!

  3. Those are great! Can't wait to get my Midwest Living Magazine.

  4. I got my issue yesterday and I had to look at those garden people long and hard. They have some talent!!

    You should try it!

  5. Beautiful! It took a lot of work to get to this dream yard.

  6. Oh what fun! I think they are amazing. People are so creative.


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