Saturday, March 24, 2012

Making a List, Checking it Twice

I spent some time this morning looking at last year's garden photos to decide what to get rid of and where to plant some of the new flowers.  From past experience I know that by noon I will have forgotten what I spent so much time figuring out.  So I have learned to mark up my photos (I used Paint program) to remember.  This is what I worked on this morning:

I saved it all to a folder on my desktop.  Now when the new bulbs arrive, I can just open the folder to see what I had planned to do with them.  Of course, it's all subject to change. :)  But at least this is a starting place for me.

Today is not turning out to be very nice. It's cold and wet. I did go out on the deck and move some of the liatris plants to the other barrel.

So at least I accomplished something outside.  I probably won't do any more outside work until tomorrow afternoon when it should at least be in the 50's.


  1. Your gardens are so pretty, Zoey. I'll bet you can't wait for them to start greening up this year. It is cold and wet here today, too. It is 40º right now. I have been spoiled by our warm March days- xo Diana

  2. WOW, I know when your garden blooms it will be beautiful. Some great photos!! Beautiful.

  3. That's a good idea Zoey. I do similar on paper, then I change my mind and then again. :) It's wet and cold here too.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. I think your garden is perfect already....which leaves plenty of time for you to come and do mine!

  5. Your garden is so pretty ! Your new additions are arrangement will only compliment it.


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