Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So Touched

I came home from work this afternoon to find this card in my mailbox:

I think it is the most beautiful thank you card I have ever received.

As lovely as the outside is, it was the inside that really made my day:
It is a card from one of my sisters-in-law who attended the dinner I cooked last Sunday.   This SIL is a caterer. She cooked for a school for many years and has done a gazillion weddings, etc.

I don't think I have ever received a thank you card for making dinner for someone.  I cannot tell you how good I felt when I read this card.  To know that someone enjoyed my dinner that much really made my day!


  1. A beautiful card Zoey and I'm sure you deserved it.

  2. Oh oh, that means more dinner parties by Zoey. :) That is really nice she sent it and even more so that she went to all the trouble she did on that card. It's really beautiful.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. People love and appreciate a delicious meal and the care that goes into making it such. What a treat! The card is a lovely reflection of a warm friendship - isn't it amazing that some still write "real" notes?

  4. that is awesome Zoey...a thank you card is always so nice...

  5. Glad you were the recipient on this one!

  6. How sweet...and if anything makes all your hard work worthwhile, that card sure did. : )

  7. I'm so glad she sent you that thank you card, you really deserved it. You always make your gatherings so special for everyone and take such care with every's a wonderful feeling indeed when it's acknowledged:-) xoxo

  8. We should always remember to thank someone who made a meal for us..we do after all know what goes into making one and it is a special feeling to be catered to isn't it? I'm happy you received this card Zoey, you deserved it!


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