Friday, February 10, 2012

I LOVE these Head Vases

I have been admiring outside head vases for the a few years. I really want to get some.

I think these would be so interesting on my deck. 

I found these  from  Stoneface Creations..

I was a bit dismayed to find that just one head was $95.00.  YIKES!  I don't think I will be recreating this in 2012.

What do you think of these vases?


  1. I think they are very interesting. Not sure if they would hold my interest for long term though, yet I also know I could possibly get hooked on them and have to have more. :) Snow coming down here now and saying we'll get a few inches of it, so we'll see.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. I think they are amazing too Zoey. I would love to have a couple in my woodland garden. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Oh, I want one of each!!!! But $95 is steep. Maybe one this season and find a local potter who can replicate a smaller version in clay?
    You always find the greatest stuff!!!!!
    Zoey, send the snow my way ...

  4. I've never seen anything like them but I think they're wonderful! So much more character to them than ordinary vases. They are expensive but if you start buying one every year, in just a few years you'll have a nice assortment:) Unless you win the lottery in the meantime! lol xoxo

  5. I've always liked these. Guess I should have bought them years ago when I saw them for $29.
    I like them with the sedums. I've seen them with grasses--which looks really neat

  6. Maybe you should switch to the head vases that belong indoors. Although they are pretty collectible anymore.

  7. I don't think they would fit in with my small garden, Zoey. But they would look great on your deck.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. Hello Zoey, I'm playing catchup on your posts. First off, the head vases; I'm kind of on both sides of the fence with them, I like them, and yet I'm wondering if they would startle me at night when I'm out and about. I have one friend who for certain would be terrified if she came face to face with one in the middle of the night. I wonder how hard they would be to make? Sort of like those concrete cast leaves; I wonder if the process to create these heads would be about the same? (Not that you have nothing else to do, lol!)

    I love your Valentine preparations, as always so much planning and wonderful decorating ideas going on at your house.

  9. I love them too...a little high dollar for me at the moment though.

  10. I just saw the first set on Pinterest and of course pinned the photo. I am sure greenhouses will catch on and make some for a fraction of the cost-even Wally World!

  11. I'm with you - I'd love to have several of these heads! The 'mohawk' is my fav. Thanks for sharing.


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