Friday, October 21, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Halloween Tables

Since it's the time of year when it's tough to find blog material, I thought I would post a few of my past Halloween tablescapes for my new readers.

I used to collect dishes and I loved to set tables. I have stopped buying dishes because I have run out of storage space.

 Now that tablesetting has been discovered by the rest of the world, my interest has died off.  I was really turned off by seeing so many tablescapes in blogland that were so over the top and never intended to be used--like the day I saw a stack of 12 different plates at each setting-- can you get any more outrageous!

Seeing certain bloggers trying to profit from others tablesetting talents also turned me off. It has been a few months since I set a creative table.
Right now I am not even interested in setting a Halloween table.   These are pics from previous years:

I think this table was my favorite...

This one is very similar. I used a different table runner, added some pumpkins and cookies.

This one uses the same purple tablecloth, but everything else is different. 

These skulls are the same ones I showed you yesterday. After I used them on this table, I spray painted them silver for the following year.

Most of you know that quilting is my favorite winter hobby.  I make a lot of table runners. You may have noticed all the different runners I have for Halloween. I made them all.

I hope you enjoyed seeing the way I used to celebrate Halloween. This year I plan to do nothing--boring, but much less work! :)


  1. Zoey, this looks fantastic! I know what you mean about the over the top table settings, not practical for most people. I have resisted charger plates for years and just ordered some that I can use with all my dishes and also as buffet plates. I just can't pay for plates that will never see food!


  2. You are so those runners. I know that you like vibrant colors and it shows in your handiwork.

  3. I remember these. The skulls are really a nice elements in these tablescapes.

  4. You know what I mean. ; ) Some people are talking to me too much when I'm trying to leave comments (made a boo boo on Pea's blog too)!

  5. Some of people's blogging you tell immediately is only for money making advertising. I don't mind some ads but it has really gotten ridiculous on so many of these blogs that they are more ads than anything else. Your tables look lovely, but I understand not bothering.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  6. Zoey,

    Your Halloween tablescapes are spooktacular! I just love your skulls - so cool.


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