Friday, September 9, 2011

Sedum Autumn Joy 2011

Every year I  to do  a Sedum Autumn Joy post.

Mine is in it's pretty pink stage right now and I have lots of it.  Here are a few areas where I have it planted.

I like it with that dark dahlia foliage (the dahlia is in a moveable container).

You can probably tell that I am quite fond of Sedum. It is the most carefree plant I have. I do nothing with it and it looks good from the the moment the light green nubs break through the earth each spring.

This is my other butterfly bush at the opposite side of the deck. It has darker purple flowers and grew quite tall this year. 

This  bush used to be in another garden where it survived, but did not thrive.  I think this is year 3 in this side garden.
So it is always good to try new homes for plants that are struggling. Eventually you hit the right spot and they thrive like this guy did.


  1. Zoey-the Sedum is spectacular. I'm very fond of it too. Now I have to ask--your Stachys--did you cut them back earlier? My flower stems on them are long gone....and the bees are sure missing them. I have no new flush on mine and I can see yours are quite "flowery" again.

  2. You and my sister-in-law have the greatest looking Autumn Joy. I have always had problems with it flopping. Maybe my soil makes it grow so tall it falls over, who knows. I have replaced it all with Autumn Fire which stands up but is not as pretty.


  3. Looks lovely. You know I like AJ the best of all the taller Sedums. Some of the others are pretty but they are more lanky where AJ always stays so pretty and compact. I have it in several spots also.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. so pretty Zoey...I love your gardens...

  5. I love sedum, too. It's such a nice plant to have around b/c, as you noted, it needs nothing from you all season. Then it pinks up and looks so pretty come fall!

  6. I want that much Sedum!! I am so going to move mine now...

  7. Zoey, I just love your gardens and Autumn Joy is my favorite sedum. I have some sedum I got from my daughter but it's not Aumtum Joy. I'm not sure what the name of it is. Have a great weekend.

  8. Zoey, Love your sedum. Repetition is an important design element in the garden. I like that first photo that also shows a lot of your garden art. Like the dark dahlia too. Enjoyed seeing the front entry beds as well.

  9. Hi Sue,
    Yes, I did--twice.

    I have not had much of a problem with floppy SAJ. You probably have much richer soil than I do. I think Sedum does best with poor soil and no extra attention! :)

    I had not heard of Autumn Fire until you posted about it. I think I will google it now and find out more.

    I don't like the lanky ones either. Anything that flops is not for me.

    Thank you for the nice comment.

    Hi Dorothy,
    There is only one thing I don't like about it--all the BEES! I have dozens of them on every plant during the warm afternoons.

    I have been splitting my Sedums for years. It is difficult to kill this plant. I just jump on shovel in the center of the plant and I have two plants! It does not take long to get a lot of it.

    I actually have two different sedums, but they are so similar (one has lighter leaves and smaller blooms).

    Hi Beth,
    The sedum in the front gardens is the smaller, lighter-leaved one. I can't for the life of me remember what it's called. Somewhere on this blog I figured it out and wrote about it.

  10. Hi Zoey ~ Oh my your gardens are stunning! I love autumn joy have a few myself. Your's look beautiful throughout your gardens really adds color this time of year.
    To answer your question about basil vinegar, leave it in for about 3 weeks, discard the purple basil strain your vinegar into a clean bottle add a little more purple basil and the herb can actually remain in the vinegar after that... Hope that helps.
    Hugs Rosemary...

  11. Zoey-The sedum is gorgeous! I LOVE it...and your gardens are just beautiful. You have done a wonderful job on them. xo Diana

  12. I love it! Autumn Joy is one of my favorites, too. A few summers ago I got a bunch of it on super-duper clearance, not really knowing what it was. Now I'm in love with it! Yours looks awesome - I am inspired to add even more to my garden!

  13. Now you do love sedum. Autumn Joy. I like to pinch back a few times during the season because it can flop over so easy at this year.

  14. You do have a way with Autumn Sedum Joy. I love this plant and have a few around my yard but nothing like yours. How beautiful. Going to look up your other posts on this plant. Thank you for sharing!


  15. Need some advice on the autumn sedum joy. I have some around my yard and would like to divide them. I read where you divide yours and wondering if you could tell me what time of the year you do this. I appreciate any info and many thanks.


  16. Lexy,
    I do it any time I get the urge. I probably would not do it right now as they are in their prime and would flop if separated. But after they finish blooming, I would not hesitate to stick a shovel down the middle and turn one plant into two or more.

    Experts will say that early spring is probably the best time--just as they begin to come up. But honestly I have had no problems doing it all different months.

    Good Luck!


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