Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Vintage Crocheted Hangers & Pink Mallow Volunteer

I love these crocheted hangers. About 15 years ago, I went to the estate auction of  the 90+-year old aunt of my cousin's wife and I bought a big  box of crocheted hangers.
These are wooden hangers and probably from the 1950's?  I am just guessing, as I really am no expert on hangers. 

There were also  all wire hangers in the box. Again I am guessing that these are from the late 1960's/early 70's since the harvest gold color is so prevalent.
The wooden hangers were probably hard to find in that era, so this lady turned to the cheaper, easy-to-get wire hangers.

I can imagine her sitting in front of TV watching Lawerence Welk while crocheting these hangers. 

I never knew this lady, but I feel connected to her.  I know she enjoyed cooking and gardening because I also bought boxes of her gardening/cooking  books.

She died before the Internet took off. I wonder what she would think of her hangers still being used by someone and pictures of them in cyberspace for the world to see. I think she would feel good about that.

While touring the garden after work, I shrieked as I spotted one pink mallow bloom in front of the daisies.
 I have spent the past two years trying to get rid of this plant in my gardens. Once established it's a bugger to get rid of. It has a long tap root and if a tiny piece remains in the ground, it continues to grow.  I am happy to say that just by pulling gently on this tiny plant, I got the whole tap root. Look how long it was already!
Success is sweet.


  1. Zoey I love those hangers. What a great find! Your Daisies look wonderful too.

    As for me burying my pots. No I do not. I have enough work in the fall. I find things that can overwinter in their pots. We'll see what does this year. Have a nice day.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. The buried pot looks great. I tried it, but the pot was too small and the plant too big and it just grew over it obscuring the whole thing. This makes me want to try it again with different materials. What is in the mouth of the pot, ajuga?

    Love the fancy hangers!

  3. Cher,
    I know what you mean about having enough work in the fall!

    The pot is inside a rusty milkcan turned on its side. It is planted with Guara, a perennial that should be shooting out long pink-flowered stems soon. I will do a post to show it when it happens.


  4. Good for you to get it the mallow. I think of you every time I see the dainty pink mallow in my stores. It looks so harmless!

  5. Love the vintage hangers and how you wonder what she would think of them being displayed via the internet. Taproots are terrifying!

  6. Hi Zoey, I once planted Mallow...didn't know how I would regret it.
    Your new paths are looking like they have always been there. You are such a hard worker..Balisha

  7. Zoey, I have a couple of the crocheted hangers but they are newer ones because they are done on plastic hangers.
    I love you pot in the old milk can. I haven't heard of the Guara plant nor the mallow. I will look forward to the post on the Guara.
    Have a great day,

  8. Zoey, the crocheted hangers reminded me of my late Aunt Bernice who could crochet anything and everything. The doilies she made and the fantastic bedspreads were artwork extraordinaire. That said, I only have one thing she created, a covered coat hanger. And I cherish it.

    What a good thing you showed me the mallow, I'm not familiar with the plant and now I'll know to steer clear of it...I just do NOT need another invasive anything in this silly garden of mine. Years ago we were given (SIGH!) a handful of Creeping Charlie when we first started gardening because I told the nursery owner I just wanted something I could plant in flagstones that could take foot traffic. The flagstone paths are long gone but Charlie is making his way across the property. I am Sick about this invasion with a Capital S. The Naughty Nursery Owner is now selling vacuum cleaners I wish he'd come here, I'd make him deal with this horrible weed.

  9. your plants look so pretty....everything around here is dried up....

  10. My late Uncle Don's wife (who is still alive and in a nursing home at age 95) use to do the crocheted hangers and she used wooden ones. Not sure where she found them, perhaps in Amish country.


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