Saturday, July 2, 2011

There will be a Major Change in my Garden Today

 I get all excited over these.  Last year I looked everywhere for them and there was not one in our entire town.  Same thing the previous year.  By chance I happened to spot them in the HD last night.

Do you know what they are?

  14 very heavy pebble-topped concrete pavers.

The exciting part is that by the end of the day, they should be a new strolling path through the far end of one of my arbor gardens.  I am thinking right about here:

It will connect to a path already in the back section.
to give you a better idea of where this is , here is a shot from the front end which will look more familiar to you.  This path will connect just behind the arbor--and let's hope the design flows a bit better than my drawing. It should be a bit more curvy.

So as soon as it gets daylight, I will be out there removing plants again. Then the fun part of replanting will begin. Right now I have masses of daylilies and asters in that area.  Once the  path is in, everything changes. The area becomes its own mini garden within a larger garden and I will get to design a whole new layout. That's the part I love to do.  I will probably buy a few new plants and will shop my own property for everything else.  At the moment I have no idea what I will find as my property is pretty well shopped already.

This is about the worst time to be digging up my garden as the best blooming is just about to begin. Ah well, I have to do it when I am off work and this happens to be the week we are both off. I will have DH's much-needed muscle power as I am getting weaker by the year. Not too long ago I dug and placed those heavy pavers myself. I could probably still do it, but it would take me a lot longer!

 I do enjoy my strolling paths so all the effort is worth it to me. This will be the fifth  path through these two gardens.

Of course, I will be showing you the progress as it happens.


  1. Hi Zoey,

    It sounds like you have a big day planned ahead of you! Good luck with creating your new path and can't wait to see the transformation. Glad you found the pavers you were looking for.

  2. you go girl...can't wait to see your path...

  3. Anxiously awaiting pictures of your new path. You are just filled with ideas...aren't you? The gardens are so pretty...have fun this weekend...Balisha

  4. What an ambitious chore! I cannot wait to see the results! I hope you have cool weather for this digging job!

  5. Zoey it will look wonderful. Those big pavers weigh a ton. I've moved them and know. Lots of work ahead of you but the results will be worth it.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  6. Zoey, you are so inspirational! Now I've got the ambition to get out and get going, too! The new path is going to be lovely, I can see it already. Don't work too hard...was it hot in your area yesterday?

    Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  7. According to Gordon Hayward you have got the perfect number of paths, like the fingers on your hand.

    This is going to look great. You will be able to walk through your garden rather than just look at it.


  8. The new walkway is going to look so pretty Zoey. You have your work cut out for you moving some plants. Aren't we always moving though. LOL! Have a wonderful weekend and watch that back.

  9. Thank you all for your kind comments today!


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