Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The New Porch Project has Begun

This big old yew was the only thing on my property when I bought it 1988. That's volunteer Feverfew growing all around in in the center of it.
Yesterday the porch contractor arrived and hooked a big chain around the yew and used his truck to pull it out.
Rest in peace big old yew.  You served me well.
He spent the rest of the morning jack hammering

The board under the door had dry rotted, so now that has to be replaced.

We left them to their job and went to a BBQ chicken dinner at the VFW.
I thought the new table was pretty interesting with all the branches of the US military surrounding the VFW logo.

By the time we got home there was nothing left but this big pile of concrete all loaded and ready to be hauled away.
Good riddance old steps! I  have hated them from day1.

I got the new path pretty much planted before we left for the 4th of July festivities.  I only bought one
flat of blue salvia (annual) that I placed at the beginning of the walkway. Everything else I dug out from other gardens. 
I just took this picture five minutes ago:  I moved the cardinal flowers to this area.

 I am very happy with how this project turned out. I hope I will be as thrilled with the new porch.


  1. wow you did a great job..can't wait to see the new redo...

  2. I take it, it's your front porch? I love your pictures taking us through the process. I can't wait to see the finished product!

  3. I keep telling Carl we need to hire some of the work done around here so it actually gets done, lol. I am anxious to see your new porch, too. I love how the path turned out and was looking for more annual salvia to plant too; I know it's getting a bit late for the season since we'll have frost in September probably, but I love the blue color. I did plant two flats of my own from seed, but should have made it four.

    Keep us posted on this next project, there's always something excited going on at your house.

  4. Oh I bet you are going to be thrilled with your new porch. Can't wait to see it completed.

  5. I live in a very old house and every time we go to redo something we always run into those unexpected things like dry rot that you never plan on. We have come to expect anything now. LOL!
    Your pathway looks so good Zoey.

  6. Am I the only one who loves the mature yew? I think so...I love a well pruned, properly hydrated yew. So beautiful. Mine will take years to get that size. They do an awesome job hiding the foundation of my home!

  7. You are one busy lady. That path looks like it was always there. Can't wait to see your porch.

  8. My first comment just got eaten-grrr.
    I was saying I was happy you are getting your new porch. It's sad to see those old yews go. I have hedges out front that are looking sad-see through, etc.
    Your path planting looks great-the salvia will be pretty!

  9. I hate the mess of thse big projects but when it's all over I am so glad to have the improvement. I am sure you feel this way now, but it will look great!



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