Monday, July 4, 2011

I Am Having a Great July 4th!

This is the first time DH and I have been off work together for the week of July 4th.  We had a
fun-packed day beginning with our local small-town parade:

Immediately after the parade we headed to the rubber ducky race (we purchased three ducks - the winners get $1,000 or $500).  The 1,000 or so ducks were dropped from this bridge:
 They have to make it down to the bridge in the distance which is already full of people waiting. It will take them about a half an hour.
We headed down there for the next event of the afternoon--

When you live on a Great Lake most activities relate to water.  DH is heading for that bridge where the rubber duckies raced to (we did not win).  The 3:00 p.m. event is  cardboard boat races...yes, cardboard!  I was amazed at how creative some of these boats were:

They could only use cardboard and duck tape for the  boat itself.  Some boats had just one paddler. The biggest boat had 14 people in it! 
 The majority of the boats made it across the river without sinking which surprised everyone.

We all thought they would sink right away...especially the big one on the right with 14 people in it.
 There were a few that did not fare as well. Like the poor guy in the middle above. The boat on his right  went down shortly after.  This little guy also took a dip (which probably felt good as it was in the high 80's).
DH proclaimed this one the most artistic of all:

This was the first year for the cardboard boat races and I think it was a huge success.

We are now home taking a short break before cooking a burger on the grill and then heading out to see the fireworks tonight.  We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go out on Lake Huron on this vessel to watch the fireworks!  Yeah, pinch me--I can't even believe it!

It is an 81-ft. research/training vessel for the Great Lakes manned by a crew of 25 US Naval Sea Cadets.

 I can hardly wait to board the boat at 8:30 p.m!


  1. oh Zoey what a fun day...I've never heard of cardboard boat racing that is cool...what an awesome way to watch fireworks..

  2. Now this is what I call celebrating..a great 4th of July to you, Zoey!

  3. Sounds like a fun day! They use to do the duckie race around here-not sure if it was the Brandywine or a smaller stream. I wonder what your odds are if you bought 10 or 20? Of course I don't know how much each chance was.
    That is pretty neat about the boat race. Can't get over they were all constructed with just cardboard and duct tape and the one help 14 people! There is some colorful duct tape out there too.
    I can't wait to hear about the big boat ride and fireworks! Awesome!

  4. Zoey, so glad to hear you had such a fun day...I know this morning you were debating on working in your garden or the parade; sounds like you made the better choice.

    I was waiting for you to tell us your ducky won, but oh, well, there's always next year. Who would think cardboard boats would float? Though around here they have Concrete Canoe races, go figure. I bet you had a wonderful view of the fireworks from the boat, I hope you tell us all about it.

  5. What a fun time Zoey. They have those Duck races here too. The homemade boats look like so much fun. It was a great weekend and I am glad you had an enjoyable one.


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