Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Carpet Samples and Canna Buds

I decided to go on the hunt for new carpet again. I HATE carpet shopping, but I hate more having to remove everything from every room to have it installed. So I keep procrastinating.

How am I supposed to decide on a major purchase like a houseful of floor covering with a tiny little sample like this?
Too overwhelming. I think I will put off until next spring.

I did find a new little upright freezer for the basement. Tomorrow the 20+ year old chest-type will be forever removed from my life. Good riddance to that. No more bending down 3 feet to get something off the bottom!

I am noticing a few canna buds on the deck plants. I love canna buds.
This one is  so artistic as it  emerges atop the huge black leaves.

This bud is striped just like its leaves. The flower will be a bright splotchy orange and yellow.

I don't see any buds yet on the cannas in the big planters out front.
I will tell you more about these planters later when I complain (yet again) about a Breck's purchase.

In the arbor gardens the red dayliles are beginning.
You can also see the tall yellow Ligularia spikes in the background. The Ligularia is just beginning, which is at least two weeks later than last year.

Our heat wave has finally passed. As I prepare this post, it's only 63 degrees (5:00 a.m.). That is so much better than the 80 at 5am last week!

I hope it's getting better for all of you -- especially Deb in Texas where it's been especially brutal.

Please join me as I head  over to Jean's Blooming Tuesday to see what everyone else has in their garden.


  1. Love the Ligularia--I was looking at that in a Jungs catalog that arrived just days ago and trying to decide if it would be easy and like lousy (LOUSY)sandy soil. It certainly LOOKS impressive in your garden. And I've noticed that EVERYTHING in my garden is two weeks later this year. Except the bugs!

  2. Your daylilies are gorgeous! I can't imagine 63 degrees during summer!

  3. Tell more of the Ligularia, it's great!

  4. I am beginning to wonder if canna is worth it, at all. I have tried everything to get it to go earlier, but no luck!
    We got new carpet--did you look at the frieze? It is awesome. It doesn't show any wear at all!

  5. Good luck on the carpet choices. Lovely blooms.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  6. Beautiful Flowers and plants!

    It will be triple digits here again the end of the week (NC). My plants aren't taking it too well.

    I'm ready for cooler weather, when like you, I can pursue my cooler weather hobby, quilting! :o)

  7. I often just go with neutral color, but your flowers are colorful and beautiful!

  8. I'm feeling like you, Zoey..I have blinds to replace and I keep procrastinating, I can only imagine making that decision for floors and you are right..they have these tiny squares and you need to be able to vision a whole floor. I'm not that good:)
    Upright freezer..good choice. We made that switch 2 years ago and it sure is nice not having to 'hang into' the freezer anymore:)
    Love that yellow splash of color among those greens.

  9. Zoey, The red daylilies look great in that area.I'm anxious to see the cannas bloom. I can't remember what the blooms look like. I do love the leaf colors. Jean

  10. I understand about that removing the furniture to put down new carpet. I'm having the same problem here. I don't have a room that will hold all the furniture, so I will either have to get a storage unit for the day or let it set outside. And who can tell what a whole room full of carpet will look like by looking at that tiny swatch? On the bright side, your flowers are amazingly beautiful! Love those lilies.

  11. Love the canna buds! I don't think mine are striped--I love your unique ones! I didn't join in Bloomin' Tuesday this week; maybe next time.

  12. your so sweet Zoey.....104 here today...

  13. When we lived down state - I always bought my carpets from a man that worked out of his home and van. He brought big samples to the house - knew my style and price range. Best of all he - he did not have TOO MANY to choose from - I go into a carpet store with all their choices and I am overwhelmed. Maybe the store has bigger pieces you can bring home-with a deposit for return?


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