Thursday, June 23, 2011

Miscellaneous Garden Musings for Cottage Flora Thursday

This is where I ended up planting the new heucheras:

Dab smack in the front of the border where I can enjoy them every day from my bedroom window (from which this picture was taken).

Ah, the refreshing snow-in-the- summer (Cerastium tomentosum) with Allium Molly (the yellow flower).
Silver/gray and yellow is a very chic color combo for interior decorating this year.  I guess I was ahead of the trend. :)

I love the fuzzy buds of Tango lilies.  This is how they are supposed to look.

and now for the not-so-pretties...I asked DH to take the lawn mower over this big area of creeping phlox and even though it was thick and difficult to get through, he obliged.
I had no idea it would be brown under all that green! LOL. That's OK. It will be easier for me to remove a lot of it. I may work on that this weekend.

Just behind the dead-looking mass, is this little vignette that was so lovely last week.
I just hate when everything dies at the same time, but that is just a part of perennial gardening. That's the challenge--to find plants that bloom immediately after others die off.  I think my daylilies should begin to bloom next.

Please visit Cottage Flora Thursday to see a lot of other wonderful gardens.


  1. Your Heucheras look great there. I have both of those also.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. Wonderful placement of your heucheras...that was creeping phlox he mowed over?

  3. I have a few heucheras, not the new ones you have though and find my favourite is 'Snow Angel' and she's right by the front door to enjoy too.

  4. Great homes for the heuchera, Zoey. When did the sun shine for you last? We're on our fourth straight day of torrential downpours/drizzle and it's getting really OLD. I know the feeling about wishing the flowers didn't have to stop blooming so soon. I have a lot of deadheading to do, too. My annuals are not very happy with all of this rain, but maybe, if it dries out a little, they'll still make a good show. I have the same creeping phlox problem too, have to transplant a lot of it.

    Summer is going by way too fast, isn't it?

  5. I love the view from your bedroom window! Awesome. My lily garden is really expanding like one of these gardens. I have it in a weird area as the one Chestnut tree shades it a bit and I get all the mess from the tree too. Anything I plant around the edge doesn't make it. I keep digging ornamental grass out of that area and it keeps coming back-the root system is crazy too. I had a huge patch of watermelon color Bee Balm that I sowed around one edge-it's down to a small patch.

  6. cher,
    I would love to see yours!

    Yes, it was creeping phlox.

    Lavender Cottage,
    I think you may have just helped me out. I have been wondering what the heuchera with the bright raspberry-colored flowers was that I have. After a google search, it looks like I might have 'Snow Angel'.

    No sun for the past few days. We seem to be getting the same cold, rainy weather!

    I have a hard time getting a good patch of bee balm. Years ago I planted some petite bee balm and it seems to be gone.

  7. Everything looks stunning and what a wonderful view of your back gardens you have from your bedroom window. I'm sure you'll have that brown spot all fixed up and filled with colour in no time:-) I posted pictures this morning of the flowers that I have in bloom right now. I just wish the Peonies lasted longer, don't get much time to enjoy them, just like my purple Iris, it seems to only last a couple of days. This is the second day of rain and there's no end in sight until at least Sunday so I'm getting even less time to be enjoying them! lol xoxo

  8. I know how that succession thing feels, takes such a long time to have things layered so that something is blooming at all times. It is like a lifelong mathmatical problem.


  9. Zoey, your gardens are stunning...just beautiful! Thanks for your nice comments on my blog and good luck in my giveaway!

  10. Thanks so much for linking your garden post to Cottage Flora Thursday's - you have a very sweet garden! xoox,tracie

  11. You're flowers are beautiful. Having things blooming at all times, is certainly the challenge of perennial gardening. But I wouldn't have it any other way!

    Have a great day.


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